FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL)

FC Mobile News

Welcome to the FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) event. European nights are back, and the biggest teams on the continent are facing off under the lights. Earn players as you experience the road to the finals in the UEFA Champions League event.

FIFA Mobile 22 UEFA Champions League

Group Stage

Main Chapter

Play 3 Skill Games and 1 Match each day here to earn UCL Tokens. Then, spend UCL Tokens on feature offers on the right. You will receive Group Points every time you spend UCL Tokens.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Main Chapter

UCL Milestones

Spend UCL Tokens to progress on UCL Milestones and claim more rewards.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Milestones
Spend 30 UCL TokensGold+ Player
Spend 150 UCL Tokens75,000 Coins
Spend 450 UCL Tokens125 Skill Boosts
Spend 1,200 UCL Tokens1,000 Group Points
Spend 2,400 UCL Tokens500,000 Coins
Spend 3,800 UCL Tokens10 Rank Item I
Spend 6,400 UCL Tokens84+ OVR UCL Player
Spend 12,800 UCL Tokens1,000,000 Coins
Spend 15,000 UCL Tokens500 Skill Boosts
Spend 18,000 UCL Tokens90 CM Enhanced Icon
Roy Keane
Spend 21,000 UCL Tokens2,500,000 Coins
Spend 25,400 UCL Tokens94 CDM Event Icon
Frank Rijkaard
Spend 33,000 UCL Tokens97 CB Prime Icon
Paolo Maldini

Daily Quests

Complete Daily Quests to earn more UCL Tokens. By completing quests, you can earn up to 60 UCL Tokens every day.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Daily Quests

Additionally, you can also claim extra UCL Tokens through Daily Login rewards!

Groups A-H

Spend Group Points in Group Offers to earn progress towards unlocking Group Feature Players in that group. For example, if you spend on Group B Offer, you will earn progress towards unlocking Group B Feature Players. You can claim 1 Group Feature Player from each group once.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Groups A-H

Group A-D are available at the start of UCL event and Group E-H will unlock on March 24, 2022.

UCL Tournament

Choose a group to join to participate in a tournament and earn UCL Tokens.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Tournament
  • Group Stage : Win 6 of the 8 Group Stage matches to advance to the Round of 16
  • Round of 16 : Win the home and away legs of the Round of 16 to advance to the Quarter Final
  • Quarter Final : Win the home and away legs of the Quarter Final to advance to the Semi-Final
  • Semi-Final : Win the home and away legs of the Semi-Final to advance to the Final
  • Final : Win the Final match to claim the Tournament reward

Complete a Final match to claim a one-time reward of an UCL Player. UCL Tournament and Group selection reset weekly.

Challenge Mode

Earn more UCL Tokens by completing the UCL Challenge Modes. UCL Challenge Mode will be available on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesdays.

Quarter FinalPvE Match20 UCL Tokens
Semi-FinalsPvE Match30 UCL Tokens
FinalsPvE Match40 UCL Tokens

On Saturdays, instead of PvE matches, the UCL Challenge Mode will contain H2H matches.

UCL Challenge Mode requirement :

21 UCL Player
32 UCL Players
43 UCL Players
54 UCL Players
65 UCL Players
76 UCL Players

Round of 16

Complete Skill Games and Match in the Main Chapter to claim UCL R16 Points.

Skill Game (1st)10 UCL Tokens
Skill Game (2nd)10 UCL Tokens
Skill Game (3rd)10 UCL Tokens
Match15 UCL Tokens
Complete All Skill Games & Match125 UCL R16 Points

Spend these R16 Points in the Round of 16 Chapter to obtain Round of 16 Players and Resources. Round of 16 Players can only be claimed once (no duplicates). Claiming a R16 Player will also reset the progress bar. You will receive a guaranteed Round of 16 Player once the progress bar is full.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) R16 Players Rewards


Claiming a R16 Player will also give UCL Icon Score. Icon Score is used to track your progress in the Milestones and claim Icon Players!

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) R16 Icons Milestones
14 Icon Score98 CAM Prime Icon Zidane
6 Icon Score95 CB Event Icon Desailly
4 Icon Score89 ST Base+ Icon Shevchenko


This section is similar to the FIFA Mobile 22 UEL Fan Vote, where you vote for your favorite teams. Each team in the Quarter-finals will receive one new 93 UCL QF Player later in the UCL event. Choose wisely, because the top 3 UCL QF players from the most voted teams will have their OVR increased to 94 OVR.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) R16 Votes

Cast your Vote by first claiming your Daily QF Vote Package. This offer contains 60 UCL R16 Points and 3 UCL QF Votes. Then you use your UCL QF Votes to vote for the teams you support, and as a reward, you will receive an additional 100 UCL R16 Points per vote.

Vote at least once to be able to claim 84+ OVR Round of 16 Player after voting ends.


Trade-in 84+ OVR UCL, Base Gold, and Base Elite Players for a 89+ OVR UCL Player, Skill Boosts, and UCL currencies.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Exchanges
(11) 84+ OVR UCL Players89+ OVR UCL Player1x per week
84+ OVR UCL Player100 Skill Boosts3x per week
– 84+ OVR UCL Player
– 73+ OVR Players
250 R16 Points2x
– 3 Gold+ Players
– (3) 75+ OVR Players
75 UCL Tokens1x per week
– 84+ OVR UCL Player
– 2 Elite+ Players
240 UCL Tokens1x per week
– (2) 93+ OVR UCL Players
– (20) 84+ OVR UCL Players
– (20) 70+ OVR Players
– (20) 75+ OVR Players
– (30) 80+ OVR Players
CM 94 Schweinsteiger1x
– (5) 89+ OVR UCL Players
– (5) 84+ OVR UCL Players
– (15) 80+ OVR Players
– (15) 75+ OVR Players
– (15) 70+ OVR Players
93-94 OVR UCL QF Player1x

Star Pass

FIFA Mobile 22 UCL events come with a Star Pass which is 100 levels long and runs for the duration of the event. The Star Pass includes some rewards such as; Coins, Skill Boosts, UCL Group Players, UCL Logos, UCL Tokens, Emotes, and Group Points.

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Star Pass

You can earn more rewards by purchasing the UCL Premium Star Pass.

UCL Math

Group Stage

Math I (by GeorikFM) :

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Math and Calculations by GeorikFM

Math II (by FranginFM) :

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Math and Calculations F2P and P2P Players by FranginFM

Math III (by LuixenS) :

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) Math and Calculations for F2P by Luixens

Round of 16

FIFA Mobile 22: UEFA Champions League (UCL) R16 Math by Georikfm

Event Duration : March 17, 2022 – May 05, 2022 (49 Days)

Champions League Players List

Group Stage

FIFA Mobile 22 UCL Group Stage Players

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