FIFA Mobile 21: Black Friday Flash Sale offers are back! Look out for Past Program Players, Event Icons, Prime Icons, Emotes, and tons of resources.
Earn 2 Flash Sale Tokens every day you login during the Black Friday Flash Sale event! Spend Flash Sale Tokens in the Main Chapter of Black Friday Flash Sale to earn your choice of Rewards!
Main Chapter
Spend Flash Sale Tokens on your choice of Rewards. Earn 2 Flash Point per Reward.
Offer | Cost |
175,000 – 1,5 M Coins | 1 FS Token |
20,000 – 1 M Training XP | 1 FS Token |
100 – 10,000 Skill Boosts | 1 FS Token |
Featured Offer
New Featured Rewards appear daily. Earn Rewards and Flash Points.
Day | Offer | Cost |
1 | 4 M Coins 15 Flash Sale Points | 750 FP |
2 | 4,600 Skill Boosts 15 Flash Sale Points | |
3 | 1 M Training XPs 15 Flash Sale Points | |
4 | 75 Epic Rank Shards 15 Flash Sale Points | |
5 | 10 Legendary Rank Shards 15 Flash Sale Points | |
6 | Black Friday Event (R14) 100 CAM Nakata (R14) 100 ST Eusebio (R14) 100 CM Schweinsteiger (R14) 99 ST van Nistelrooy (R14) 99 LB Maldini (R14) 99 CM Veron (R14) 99 CM Gerrard (R14) 99 CF Pele (R14) 98 RB Lahm (R14) 98 LW Overmars (R14) 98 CB Desailly (R14) 97 GK Cech (R14) 97 CB Cannavaro (R14) 30 Flash Sale Points (R14) | |
7 | 10 ST Ian Rush (R12) 40 Flash Sale Points |
Unlock Milestone Rewards when you earn Flash Points.
Requirement | Reward |
Earn 5 FS Points | 75,000 Coins |
Earn 10 FS Points | 75,000 TXP |
Earn 25 FS Points | 200 Skill Boosts |
Earn 50 FS Points | 100+ Summer Celebration Player (R10) |
Earn 80 FS Points | 106 RB Event Icon C. Alberto (R12) |
Earn 120 FS Points | 250,000 TXP |
Earn 150 FS Points | 600 Skill Boosts |
Earn 190 FS Points | 100 Common Rank Shards |
Earn 215 FS Points | 107+ Rivalry Player (R13) |
Earn 240 FS Points | 1,000,000 Coins |
Earn 280 FS Points | 100 Rare Rank Shards |
Earn 360 FS Points | 108 CAM Event Icon Kaka (R14) |
Earn 400 FS Points | 675,000 TXP |
Earn 480 FS Points | 60 Epic Rank Shards |
Earn 575 FS Points | 3,000,000 Coins |
Earn 650 FS Points | 110 ST Event Icon Van Basten (R16) |
Earn 725 FS Points | 5,000,000 Coins |
Earn 850 FS Points | 108+ National Heroes Player (R18) |
Earn 1,000 FS Points | 20 Legendary Rank Shards |
Earn 1,150 FS Points | 3,500 Skill Boosts |
Earn 1,400 FS Points | 1,000,000 TXP |
Earn 1,775 FS Points | 200 Rare Rank Shards |
Earn 2,150 FS Points | 100 Epic Rank Shards |
Earn 2,500 FS Points | 30 Legendary Rank Shards |
Earn 3,000 FS Points | 120 CB Prime Icon Nesta (R24) |
Prime Icons
Earn Past Prime Icons by exchanging Prime Icon Points.
Past Prime Currency Offers
Offer | Reward | Cost | Limit |
Currency Offer | 1 Prime Icon Point 1 Base Item | 12,500 Gems / 5,000 FIFA Points | – |
Currency Discount | 1 Prime Icon Point 1 Base Item | 6,250 Gems / 2,500 FIFA Points | 3x |
Past Prime Icon Offers
Past Prime | Cost |
107 ST Ronaldo (R21) | 18 Prime Icon Points |
110 LB R. Carlos (R20) | 12 Prime Icon Points |
109 CB Puyol (R20) | 12 Prime Icon Points |
108 LM Nedved (R18) | 9 Prime Icon Points |
106 RM Garrincha (R18) | 8 Prime Icon Points |
105 CAM Zidane (R17) | 7 Prime Icon Points |
105 CM Lampard (R17) | 7 Prime Icon Points |
105 ST Van Basten (R17) | 7 Prime Icon Points |
104 CB Desailly (R16) | 5 Prime Icon Points |
104 CB Maldini (R16) | 5 Prime Icon Points |
104 CM Schweinsteiger (R16) | 5 Prime Icon Points |
104 ST Puskas (R16) | 5 Prime Icon Points |
104 CDM Essien (R16) | 5 Prime Icon Points |
104 RB C. Alberto (R16) | 5 Prime Icon Points |
103 GK Van Der Sar (R16) | 5 Prime Icon Points |
Event Icons
Earn Past Event Icons by exchanging Event Icon Points. Each Past Event Icon can only be earned once.
Past Event Icon Currency Offer
Offer | Reward | Cost | Limit |
Currency Offer | 1 Event Icon Point 1 Base Item | 6,250 Gems / 2,500 FIFA Points | 18x |
Past Event Icon Offers
Past Event Icon | Cost |
97+ OVR Attacker (R14) | 1 Event Icon Point |
95+ OVR Midfielder (R14) | 1 Event Icon Point |
97+ OVR Defender (R14) | 1 Event Icon Point |
Past Players
Get Past Program Players from the Past Program Player Offers. Once you have purchased the offer 4 times, your next purchase will be a Guaranteed UTOTS Past Program Player.
Each UTOTS Past Program Player can be earned once. Earning a UTOTS Player will reset progress.
Reward | Cost | Limit |
94+ Past Program Player 1 Base Item | 1,875 Gems / 750 FIFA Points | – |
Get Past Program Emotes you might have missed. Each emote costs 750 gems or 300 FIFA Points.
Emotes Offer List :
- Snowy Approval
- Sick!
- Surprised
- Confetti
- Embarrassment
- Joy
- Sad
- Handshake
- Go That Way
- It’s Fine, Just Fine