FIFA Mobile 20: Golden Week

FC Mobile News

 It is a movie marathon as Golden Week hits the big screen! In this triple feature you will saddle up in the Western Chapter, search for true love in the Romance Chapter, and navigate a haunted forest in the Horror Chapter!

FIFA Mobile 20 Golden Week event
image via

How to Play

There are four chapter on this event :

  • Western
  • Romance
  • Horror
  • Concession


Play Skill Games and Matches using Western Energy to earn GW Points and GW Hearts. Choose a path and reach the end of the path to earn a GW Sheriff Point.

There are two paths, Normal and Challenge. If you choose the Challenge path, you will get a total of 60 Skill Boosts as an extra reward.

Western Energy refreshes hourly with a max of 15 Western Energy.

You can spend Sheriff Points here to earn rewards (Golden Week Players and Resources). Claim 10 Sheriff rewards to unlock 1 Hazard Key.

Ads: 3x per day, 3 Western Energy per ad
Coins Pack: 1x per day, 75k Coins for 3 Western Energy


Use GW Hearts to open up bottles to reveal what’s contained. There will be 3 featured rewards each day. If he bottle contains a Love Letter then it will be one of the daily rewards.

Bottles will refresh daily, so be sure to get all the featured rewards you’ve set eyes on before they go away.

DayReward IReward IIReward III
193 GK Mendy250 SB80,000 TXP
287 LB Nagatomo400,000 Coins1 Horror Point
389 RM Court1 Horror Point250 SB
491 RM Doan400,000 Coins80,000 TXP
585 RW Hamouma250 SB400,000 Coins
694 LW Nakajima80,000 TXP1 Horror Point
787 LM Okugawa400,000 Coins250 SB
889 CAM Morioka1 Horror Point80,000 TXP
984 ST Ajorque250 SB400,000 Coins
1092 RB Sakai400,000 Coins80,000 TXP
1188 LB Kamara1 Horror Point250 SB
1287 GK Schmidt80,000 TXP400,000 Coins
1393 LW Chouiar250 SB80,0000 TXP
1491 ST Kubo400,000 Coins250 SB

Daily Login: 3 GW Hearts


Play VS Attack and Challenge Matches to progress through the Horror Chapter.

Get 3 Horror Points before entering the forest. Horror Points keep you alive in the forest.

Each path will have a challenge match. Winning this match will lead you to the current Checkpoint. Conversely, losing this match will deduct a Horror Point each time.

The Checkpoint will offer you the choice of continuing onto the next path for a better reward or claiming the current reward and go all the way back to the entrance of the forest.

Each Checkpoint reward can only be claimed once.

Losing matches with no remaining Horror Points will reset you all the way back to the Path 1. Be sure you pay attention to the number of Horror Points you have left.

Golden Week Horror Chapter Matches PVE Requirements


Come to the Concession Chapter to claim your rewards using GW Points. GW Points can be earned from playing the Western Chapter.

Redeem GW Pints for Skill Boosts, Coins, TXP, and Concession Masters, including the likes of End of an Era GK 98 OVR Iker Casillas and Prime Icon CAM 101 OVR Hidetoshi Nakata.

PlayerOVRCost (GW Points)
Casillas (End of Era)981,200
Tomiyasu993,300 (1500 + 3 Masters)
Kubo1003,800 (2000 + 3 Masters)
Nakata (Prime Icon)1017,900 (2,500 + 6 Masters)

Additionally, there is also a new SBC available here.

2 Min Golden Week Players
5 Min 86 OVR Player
30 Rare Rank Shards
50 Common Rank Shards

Event Duration: April 27 – May 11, 2020

Golden Week Math for F2P

Golden Week Math for F2P
image via @Georik

Golden Week Players List

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